Subaru Impreza Gen2 Engine Bay (2000-2007)

Subaru Impreza Gen2 Engine Bay (2000-2007)
Possibly one of the most popular cars for the track scene today is the GD/GG model Subaru Impreza. Infamously released with the ‘bug eye’ variant in 2000, it was a model that had some big shoes to fill when following up its predecessor. In recent years this model has been enthusiastically taken up by the motorsport community due to the meteoric rise in value of its more famous Gen1 counterpart, thanks largely to its association with WRC and the iconic drivers of that era.
This model had a production life of 7 years in Japan and 6 years in USA and saw 6 different powerplants fit between the rails. The cross compatibility of components across the models makes it a dream for matching up the best of everything and they have become a formidable track weapon with a large and growing community of racers and engineers.
This scan was taken of an earlier RHD ‘bug eye’ version. So far as we are aware, the model saw no significant changes over its production life but we do recommend double checking if you’re working with a later variant.
The download package comes with the scan mesh broken into 4 separate STL’s for ease of working with them (Engine not included).
Engine bay
Wheel tubs
Cross member
Radiator support frame