Mount for LED Autolamps 11 Series (Digital Download)

Mount for LED Autolamps 11 Series (Digital Download)
Included is the STL suited to mount the LED Autolamps 11 Series units (please find link below), file is ready to be sent to your 3D printer. Link for lamps below (LED Autolamps Website)
Mount is designed to sit over a piece of 10mm square carbon tube, similar to link below
Carbon Fiber Square Tube 750x10mm
Mount has internal cavity for the wire to sit in for the clean look. Lamp can either be positioned on mount using 3M tape or self tapping screws (not provided).
Please note, due care is taken to ensure part is accurate at time of publication.
Bremar Automotion does not control or endorse the links provided, they are included on page for reference.